Wednesday, December 2, 2009
what happened to November?
Thairo was home all month which was nice. He cleaned up the garden and made me coffee every morning-I'm sure he did other things but those two are the most important. He's in the middle of nowhere right now.
We're heading back to my native land for Christmas, so I think that I'll go pick him up from the middle of nowhere then we'll head to the homestead. There are lots of hotsprings in the middle of nowhere-perhaps my interest in driving an extra 10 hours to meet him in the middle of nowhere is increased by the potential for soaking.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Green tomato pickles
10 lbs. green tomatoes - sliced 3/8 inch thick
3 cucumber - sliced 1/4 inch thick
3 Walla Walla onions - sliced 1/8 inch thick
6 c. vinegar
3.5 c. sugar
2 t. tumeric
2 t. celery seed
2 T. mustard - used mix of black and yellow seeds
Salt the tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions 4 hours. Drain liquid and rinse lightly. Start water boiling in canner. Sterilize jars 10 min. While jars are sterilizing heat vinegar, sugar, and spices. Once vinegar is boiling add the veggies, return to boil. Pack hot pickle mix into hot jars, top off with vinegar. Boiling water process 10 min. Made 11 pints.
We made 2 batched of vinegar and processed half of the pickles at a time which meant we could pack 6 pints at a time which is one processing load for our canner.
Green tomato salsa
20 c. chopped green and partially ripe tomatoes (~12 lbs)
6 c. finely chopped onions (2 Walla Walla, 3 regular yellow)
14 fire roasted Serrano peppers
1/2 bulb garlic
2/3 can chipotles with sauce
1/3 c. cumin seed
1/4 c. salt
1/4 c. pepper
1 T. coriander
4 c. lime juice
1/2 - 1 c. cider vinegar
We ran the onion, garlic, and peppers through the food processor for a fine chop. Then cooked the tomatoes, onion mix, and spices for approximately 45 min. Just before we started packing the sterilized jars, we added the lime juice and vinegar because I was afraid to cook off the acidity. Process the jars in boiling water canner 15 min at sea level. Made 13 and a bit pints.
We're still working on a name for the salsa and label design.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Ken Burns is one sexy little elf
Check it out
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Another 14 pounds
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tomato review 2009
Brandywine-best taste, fruit are big (some over a pound) but bruise easily, may be more disease prone
Dr. Wynches yellow - big, lots of fruit that ripened early
Paul Robeson - should be black but only the first few tomatoes were darker than the purple calabash, flavor is pretty bland and texture was pretty mushy
Purple calabash - interesting color and shape, decent flavor and texture
Peach - yellow fuzzy medium-small tomato, very sweet with no core
Green zebra - meaty tasty green and yellow stripped tomato, inside completely green when ripe
Roma - we only planted one which isn't providing nearly enough salsa tomatoes for us, we'll plant more next year, good flavor, very meaty, prolific
Mexican midget - small cherry, great flavor balanced sweet and acid, prolific but not as many here where it doesn't get really hot-this tomato loves heat and sun
White currant - small white/light yellow cherry, very sweet, thin skin, needs to be eaten quickly because the skin generally splits when it's picked
I'm going to try seed saving this year so we'll see how that goes next spring when I plant those seeds. We talked about reducing the varieties of tomatoes for next year but I really like nearly all the ones we planted. The Paul Robeson and white currants are the only ones that I'm willing to drop.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Water Water Everywhere

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Nearly the end of the cruise

The third mate suggested that we head up to Hot Spring Cove on the way back because we have a bit extra time. So this morning I got to visit one of the nicest hot springs around-and sample that too. I was too busy parboiling myself to take pictures but I'll try to get some off another crew member and post those too.
Now I just have to pack up the MIMS and get ready to get back to dry land.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
filtering and tuna
Because of the bad weather we skipped some stations on the way out and are picking them up now. The first of our large volume casts is in the water and by lunch tomorrow we should be done with the big filtering for this cruise.
the water calls-I shall return
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Sailing away again to bacterioetiville
On to happier thoughts. Such as my own room. The chief scientist emailed yesterday asking if I thought I could handle a room up on the officers deck and if so was I interested. Yes and Yes. The question about whether I could handle it is because this is one of the 2 the most forward cabins on the boat. It's nicknamed the launch pad because there is a lot of movement up this close to the bow. But I think it'll be ok.

Saturday, August 15, 2009
Pictures from the last cruise

I realized that I never uploaded pictures from the last cruise. So here are a few choice ones.
The carboys waiting to be filled one last time, Papa 50N 145E June 15

Last cruise there were several groups working on iron. Iron measurements on seawater are difficult because the concentration of iron is really low in the ocean and the boat is made of steel (trying to measure a tiny amount of something without contaminating it). Hence the clean room or bubble in the middle of the main lab.

And sperm whales. I was sleeping when killer whales were spotted but was awake for the sperm whales (Our casts tend to be at night since we don't care what time of day they're collected, most of the other biologists are working on photosynthesis so need their casts during the day. Which means that I'm generally sleeping during the day). But I didn't miss the sperm whales. The captain stopped the boat and we floated with this pod of females and calves for half an hour or so.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The tale of a tomato named Paul
I have lots of nice neighbors including my friends the Wynches-Dr. Wynche is on the left and her wife is on the right.
This is my friend Brandy Wine. Try not to stare, she was born like that.
Now I'm going to join my friend the Calebash, we're going on a trip to a big farm in the country where we can run and play. Well that's what the green chilies told me.
updates cause I left you hanging
I'm heading back out to sea Tuesday. The turn around between the June cruise and this Aug cruise is crazy short. Too short for me to have worked up much excitement about going out again, but hopefully that will come once we get everything packed and organized.
Our collaborators have contributed to my near-dread of the coming cruise, we've been bending over backwards trying to help this lab get samples (they don't have any money for sampling). But they keep demanding more and more samples-we're taking 3 people this time because just 2 of us last time was too punishing AND we dropped several of our planned samples. The work that they are supposed to do will be interesting (providing that they can get their methods to work) but they are increasingly difficult to deal with. The collaborator lab is headed by a very young investigator who doesn't seem to realize that we aren't working for them-we're working with them. And we don't need them, there is a lab in our building that does the same type of work with slightly older methods (as in proven methods). However, collaborator lab can't get these samples without us. Yet they still thought that my sampling plan was somehow a negotiation position, that they could just come back with their demands and we'd drop some of our samples (again) in favor of theirs. There were some veiled threats that they may walk if they don't get there way. then they reconsidered. We'll see if that turns out to be good-saving the collaboration-or bad-prolonging the pain of a doomed relationship.
I think that we all realize that ultimatums are not a good way to go. Professional ultimatums probably are going to backfire. Professional ultimatums when you have nothing to leverage are just stupid.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Hiking with technology
Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to try out my previous favorite utility app-distant suns-because it was overcast the whole time. No stargazing on this trip.
But we didn't get lost
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
It was all going so well...
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Garden update round 146
We pulled the peas this past week and most of the kohlrabi so there isn't much going on in that bed other than baby edamame. We've replanted peas for round 2 in September and are still trying to decide what do do with the kohlrabi squares.
Purple Calabash, yippie. We lost all of the Purple calabash last year to curly top virus, so are excited to have healthy "ugly" tomatoes this year.
Speaking of ugly tomatoes, this was one of the first brandywine tomatoes to set. It's a mutant conjoined tomato but I expect it to taste just as good as the prettier brandywine...and it's huge already.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Place in blender:
I really like this city. The fact that blackberries are feral all over the place, including our backyard, is just icing on the cake.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tomato pruning
The plants are generally loading up on tomatoes (still not ripe). I can't say that there's any obvious difference between the number of tomatoes in the plants that have only one square foot opposed to two. There is a significant difference in the depth of the compost from west to east which complicates the comparison of the effect of space- the tighter spaced tomatoes are in the deeper soil. So is the apparent similarity in productivity due to unequal soil depth? Beats me. I do think that we'll change the layout next year so we don't have 2 rows of tomatoes adjacent to each other. It may not impact the productivity but it does make it difficult to see what each plant is doing, which is a big chunk of the fun.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Very very clean DNA
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Another garden update
The herbs are doing great as well. Actually they're doing too well, the chervil and cilantro had to be pulled because they bolted. We've ut the tarragon and are going to try to make herb oil. Stay tuned for the out come of this trial.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Garden ahoy
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Land ahoy
We'll be pulling into dock sometime tomorrow morning
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Trooper and filtering
Holding us back
We sailed out on the Northern Sea
With a boat load of crazy people
I have no idea what that song means. It goes on to talk about a sardine boat and a shotgun-neither are very Canadian subjects. But I have to say that it's one of my favorite Trooper songs and the beginning fits this trip really well.
Today was better than the last 2 (or has it been 3 or 4??) days. The first 2 stations we worked for 22.5 and 22 hours respectively with 12 hours off to sleep in between. Today has been much better with the other post doc not taking any samples at all and actually being able to help me with my sampling. I'm hoping to be done filtering by morning which will make today only an 18 hour day. We're bringing a 3rd person on the Aug cruise because I refuse to do this again. I know I said the same thing after the Feb cruise and I did seriously trim the sampling scheme but not enough for it to be a 2 person job. hence another person, to guarantee 8 hours off each day or I'm finding a union rep and doing what ever it is you do with a union rep.
The first mate shouted from the crow's nest
I think I might see land out there
But nobody moved
From where they were laying
Cause nobody really cared
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Today I saw a black footed albatross and a pod? of Dals porpoises. and some kind of crazy invertebrate was growing on the end of the ziptie that's holding a tube in place in the overflow bucket in the sink. alright by the end of that I was just trying to see how many prepositional phrases I could have in one sentence. I think we'll lose internet sometime late tomorrow or early the next day so I may not post again till we're on our way home
ok found the link for tracking the boat
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Finally set up
We'll see how long that lasts. The waves here in the straight aren't
big but they did make me a little queasy in Feb
Here is a before picture-just after unloading the van AND pickup. And
another showing how it looks tonight.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Last garden update for a few weeks
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Retreat? Never
I came back to town earlier today to get the last minute things done for the cruise. We were supposed to load the boat Sat. And sail Sunday but now are trying to sail by noon Sat. I think we're nearly ready but loosing a day does cause a bit more stress. I'll try to get a few pics up while were at dock.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Garden update
looked nearly dead when we planted it
Monday, May 18, 2009
Storm watching
thunderstorm. I tried to get a picture of the lightening but missed.
Oh well
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
NM beer
Marble IPAs. I'm thinking that tomorrow might be a good Joe's/geckos/
monte vista night. Anyone in?