I'm back on the boat, ready for the next few weeks. I think. Tomorrow through the weekend are going to be really busy. But we each get 8 hours off a day this cruise. whahoo. The collaborator issues haven't gone away, but I'm trying to ignore them. The post-doc from that lab that is on the cruise with us pushed again today for more sampling (wanted to know why I had given her 8 hours off a day and trying to convince me that she can work 24 hours a day. isn't there medication for delusional people?). She tried to tell me that my PI said "they" were allowed to do more sampling. I really don't know what else I can to to convince this lab that there is no us and them. We're all on the same team and will all work together. I think. The most contentious station is the first one-the one that there really isn't any extra time to sample and process. So at least it will be gone by Thursday.
On to happier thoughts. Such as my own room. The chief scientist emailed yesterday asking if I thought I could handle a room up on the officers deck and if so was I interested. Yes and Yes. The question about whether I could handle it is because this is one of the 2 the most forward cabins on the boat. It's nicknamed the launch pad because there is a lot of movement up this close to the bow. But I think it'll be ok.

My cabin is on the starboard side at the very front-basically just above the "J"

It's kind of funny shaped and the bathroom is really strange because it's up against the angles of the hull, but it's mine.
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