I realized that I never uploaded pictures from the last cruise. So here are a few choice ones.
The carboys waiting to be filled one last time, Papa 50N 145E June 15

Last cruise there were several groups working on iron. Iron measurements on seawater are difficult because the concentration of iron is really low in the ocean and the boat is made of steel (trying to measure a tiny amount of something without contaminating it). Hence the clean room or bubble in the middle of the main lab.

And sperm whales. I was sleeping when killer whales were spotted but was awake for the sperm whales (Our casts tend to be at night since we don't care what time of day they're collected, most of the other biologists are working on photosynthesis so need their casts during the day. Which means that I'm generally sleeping during the day). But I didn't miss the sperm whales. The captain stopped the boat and we floated with this pod of females and calves for half an hour or so.
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