Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Nearly the end of the cruise

The past few days have been great. We had extra time so resampled 2 of the stations giving us another time scale to look at the communities-10ish days after we sampled it last rather than a few months or year later. Yesterday, I was kind of involved in catching the last tuna of the cruise (I held onto it when it was on deck to make sure it didn't go over board). All together we (royal we) have caught 21 tuna, since they're not indigenous to Canada you don't need a license to fish and I'll get to take some home. The fisher people have also caught 20ish salmon most of which the people with fishing licenses will take home, but they have shared and given the galley fresh salmon several times during the cruise so we all get to have some. Last night, one of the guys hooked a squid while salmon fishing so he switched to squid jigging and landed a 4 foot (5 foot if you count the tentacles-I don't know how to officially measure squid) Humbolt.

The third mate suggested that we head up to Hot Spring Cove on the way back because we have a bit extra time. So this morning I got to visit one of the nicest hot springs around-and sample that too. I was too busy parboiling myself to take pictures but I'll try to get some off another crew member and post those too.
Now I just have to pack up the MIMS and get ready to get back to dry land.

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