Monday, March 2, 2009

Garden is started

Quick garden update while the last few analyses run. Thairo planted tomato, pepper, and chili seeds that we had left over from last year. Some of the tomato sprouts were visible today: brandywine, purple calabash, and a mexican midget. We have an improvised nursery set up using a heating pad, aluminum foil, and a grow bulb. So far it seems that the heating pad is working, last year the mexican midget's took several weeks to sprout. The layout for the garden is still a work in progress but I'll post it once we have a reasonable draft done. We're trying square foot gardening this year, stay tuned for reports on how that's working out.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like the gardening is started!

    We arrived in Monterey CA last evening. Will go to San Francisco tomorrow.
    gma R
