Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Car seats and diapers

Since the kidlet really only sleeps next to/on me, I haven't been terribly mobile. But eating at my computer through grad school has made me a decent one handed typer, so I've been trolling the internet pretty much constantly the past few weeks. First I was in search of the perfect car seat that would fit the still tiny kidlet till he's a big kidlet and is super safe and keeps him rear facing for as long as possible. Oh and it has to fit in our car. Apparently so many of the car seat buying public have minivans that car seat makers don't feel the need to make seats fit sedans anymore. Arg, we went through 2 'perfect' seats till we found one that actually fits-First Years TrueFit convertible. It seems really comfortable for the kidlet, but it kind of wide so fitting someone on the seat beside him isn't as easy as I was hoping.

Now I'm on to obsessively researching cloth diapers. We went with simple old fashioned cotton prefold diapers and PLU covers for when he was first born-worked well and laundry was simple-rinse all diapers and wipes, wash everything on hot with just a bit of detergent, rinse again, dry. But he's outgrown his newborn diapers so I'm figuring out what is next. We're still using mostly prefolds with covers but I'm trying out some pocket diapers too since they keep his cute little butt dry while he's in his diaper for long chunks of time at night. The pockets that I got came with microfiber inserts which are supposed to be super absorbent but are the tactile equivalent of nails on a chalk board. I've bought some hemp inserts and am just waiting to get them-they should be even more absorbent than the microfiber and not feel horrible. Yes this really is how I'm spending my days when I'm not snuggling, feeding, or changing the kidlet. Stay tuned for my further musings on hemp vs cotton vs microfiber. or for a real treat I may discuss laundry

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