Sunday, September 19, 2010

Kidlet is here

He hasn't chosen a nom de plume yet. So kidlet will have to do for the moment.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Picking tomatoes early, I guess

Ok our friend google showed me this article from K state

I tend to completely believe extension agents. So if he says the tomatoes will ripen off the plant, I'll try it. Even if they're slightly less tasty it'll still be taster than no tomatoes.

What is doing this and how can I kill it????

Here are a few pictures of the tomatoes that were munched on today. Sooooo irritating. Just a few days before the fruit is good to go, something eats it. I think this is happening during the day, I checked the tomatoes this morning on my way to work and I'm pretty sure that they were whole. but this afternoon found this. What ever it is is eating both red and yellow tomatoes.

I still haven't gotten a tomato out of the garden this year.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Thairo's first diaper change

No blood or tears were shed, total success in my mind.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Something is eating the tomatoes-AAACCCKKKKK

After the not great tomato weather we've had this summer, we were finally going to have ripe tomatoes this week. BUT something keeps eating them just a day or 2 before I'm ready to pick them. I'm not sure if it's birds or skunks or what? So I still haven't picked a ripe tomato from the garden this year.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Labor day salmon feast

The salmon run this year is incredible-as in more salmon than they've seen in the river since the 1913 and this after 4 years of no commercial fishing because there just weren't any sockeye running. Fortunately for us, our very nice upstairs neighbor loves to fish and even better share fish. So we have a quarter sockeye to grill. With it we're doing veggie kebabs, wild and brown rice, and a pistachio vinaigrette that we adapted from American's test kitchen.

Pistachio vinaigrette (so I don't forget how to make it cause it's pretty much the best sauce we've every had with salmon)

1/3ish c crushed pistachios
2 tsp very finely chopped onion or shallot
4 tsp cider vinegar
1 tsp dijon mustard
2 tsp honey
2 tsp water
1 tsp tarragon
zest and juice from half a lemon

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

More baby prep

I didn't sleep much last night, either because I have a cold or I have a cold now cause I didn't sleep well last night and pregnancy has knocked my immune system to non-existent. Anyway, I skipped work to sleep alot today. But now I'm feeling the urge to actually accomplish something for the day. So I'm boiling diapers. Apparently this is a way to prep cloth diapers that doesn't involve 8-10 trips through the washer and dryer. Considering that part of the reason we're doing cloth diapers is to lessen the kidlet's environmental impact, I thought that anything I can do to reduce the number of loads of laundry he generates is good.

We'll see how well this works. I'm using our huge canning or feed an army stockpot which fits a dozen prefolds. I found instructions on the internet, which of course must be true cause someone posted it, that suggests between 15-45 minutes of boiling. I'm going with somewhere around 30minutes. Once I get them all boiled I'll run them through at least 2 hot washes and drys. I'm not sure how I'll know if they are fully prepped...