Today we planted a few more tomato seedlings-one to replace a black pineapple that died and the 2 green doctor cherries that are kind of hanging on after nearly dying last month because of the water snaffu. I'm not that hopeful about the green doctor's but we really wanted to get that variety and decided that they weren't going to get any stronger in the little pots. I took pictures showing how tiny they are but can't find the cable for my camera, I'll post those pictures next week, hopefully with a good update on their progress.

The garden is doing pretty well. Raspberries are ripe and the peas are getting close. Everything else is growing, except basil so I planted more again. Our compost garden material works great for established plants but it's not that great for sprouting.
The kid is doing great. He's been super active the past few weeks-not just kicking and punching all the time but doing flips. When he rolls over it's really weird, almost makes me seasick. Thairo says he's getting back at me for taking him to sea in February. We've got another ultrasound next week just to make sure that he's growing well. Thairo couldn't make the 20 week ultrasound but will be able to go for this one with will be great-I'm sure he'll still look like a bug-eyed alien but at least Thairo will get to see how much he's moving rather than just the occasional kick. I've been playing pattycake with him this past week-when he kicks I'll push back then he'll kick again. I tried to have Thairo play with him too, but I think that the reply kicks are just a little too light for Thairo to be able to feel them. Oh well, they can play without my stomach in the way in a few months.