Thursday, February 18, 2010


We don't have tickets to any of the official events but have been thoroughly enjoying our city turning into the biggest party on the planet. Last night we went to see Corb Lund. Love him. It was a great show. Then this morning we got up early and went to watch Steven Colbert film his show. Also good times.

We don't have anymore specific plans but will do something this weekend. A couple of very lucky friends are coming in tomorrow-she got Canada/US hockey tickets in the lottery last year. So we'll have to do something with them to show off our city.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Nearing the end

I only have 20L left to filter from what is hopefully the last large volume filtration I have to do for a while. And this one was really easy, my lovely compatriot let me sleep 5 hours while she watched the filtration. Whoohoo. We didn't make it to the last station on the line because of a huge storm, but this water that I'm finishing up right now is from the station that we skipped on the way out that is really important. We're going to do a minor station later this morning, which will wrap up our part of the cruise. I'm not sure what we're going to do for the next 3 days because the ship's time is already paid for and I'm sure that we're not going to get back to dock more than 12 hours ahead of schedule???

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Heave ho

I'm not sure if the weather is actually worse this Feb than last or if I'm just over the excitement of getting tossed around. We've already skipped 2 major stations of the 4 that we've passed. I'm filtering the second set of large volume samples, yeah 2 down 2 to go-hopefully. One of the major stations that we skipped is really important to the project. We should have enough time to pick up the samples if the weather is reasonable-which what does that mean in Feb? I think I'll go nap while I'm waiting for carboys to filter

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Line P v. IV

I'm back out at sea. So far so good. The water is pretty calm. I was feeling a little woozy this afternoon but just took the opportunity to nap and try to get on the overnight schedule. More to come...